Top 5 Zest Blogs of 2016
/ Toby EaldenBack in September we launched our new website, complete with this blog! As we celebrate the end of an awesome year, here's our 5 most read blogs of 2016. Head behind the scenes at Zest as we look back at our national tour of Thrive, the R&D of our new show and some of our thoughts of Audience Development. Enjoy!
Last week saw us begin the process of making a brand new show. A show about difference and how the fear of those ‘other’ to us can spill into hate. And what a week we chose to begin that process.
We’ve have been talking theatre with young people up and down the country and our findings show that a much more proactive approach to getting young people into theatres is needed.
People often say that if can’t explain what you do to a small child then you don’t have a real job – I have this problem a lot as a dramaturg. Dramaturgy is a sort of “story-science” for theatre – an understanding of the right amounts of a recipe to put into a production to make sure it’s just right and that the audience can follow what’s happening. It’s this role that I’ve been doing on Zest’s new show, Thrive
When Toby from Zest approached me to be in Thrive, he knew the project would be close to home. At the time myself and my brother were looking after my mum who was sick with Cancer at home. I told him at the moment my mum was my top priority and I will let him know when I can. He would always check in on me and my family and never pressured me to do the show. Toby texted me on my birthday wishing me a happy birthday and sending his wishes and love to my mum. Unfortunately, the day after my mum passed away.
How do you react to someone who thinks completely unlike you? It turns out that joining an R&D process for a show about difference, otherness and broken communities was the perfect opportunity for me to learn how to listen.