Thrive - Frequently Asked Questions

Thrive - Frequently Asked Questions

Zest makes work that is often described as interactive, immersive, site-specific or promenade. Because our shows are a bit different, audiences can sometimes have lots of questions or feeling wary about coming. With the Thrive tour just around the corner, here are some of the frequently asked questions about Thrive to help you get the most from the experience.

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The Perfect Jenga Tower - the dramaturgy of Thrive

The Perfect Jenga Tower - the dramaturgy of Thrive

People often say that if can’t explain what you do to a small child then you don’t have a real job – I have this problem a lot as a dramaturg. Dramaturgy is a sort of “story-science” for theatre – an understanding of the right amounts of a recipe to put into a production to make sure it’s just right and that the audience can follow what’s happening. It’s this role that I’ve been doing on Zest’s new show, Thrive

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How Making Thrive Helped My Own Grieving Process

How Making Thrive Helped My Own Grieving Process

When Toby from Zest approached me to be in Thrive, he knew the project would be close to home. At the time myself and my brother were looking after my mum who was sick with Cancer at home. I told him at the moment my mum was my top priority and I will let him know when I can. He would always check in on me and my family and never pressured me to do the show. Toby texted me on my birthday wishing me a happy birthday and sending his wishes and love to my mum. Unfortunately, the day after my mum passed away.

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